2008 RHC News
1 Jan 08 - New 2008 Pay Chart (click here)
18 Jan 08 - Check out a 4 page article (click here) on Low Cost Low Altitude (LCLA) airdrop in Afghanistan. It is titled "An Innovative Approach to Combat Logistics"
14 Feb 08 - The Red Hat Chapter has learned that one of our International friends, Bill Campbell, is losing his eyesight and nothing can be done about it. This combined with his lack of hearing presents a huge handicap for him and his wife Beth to deal with. If you visit the states in the future, the RHC will gladly give you all the assistance you might need!
Circa Mar 08 - Alan Henry sends us: "Found your web page by accident. I served as rigger and jump instructor in the service company of the 506th (of the 101st) from Feb 1944 to October 1945. Got my wings and training at Ft. Benning in about Dec 1943. Never heard of a Rigger badge or any of the other things related to Riggers that seem to be listed on the Internet. Parachuted into Son, Holland 17 Sept 1944 but only stayed less than 2 weeks and was ordered (with 3 or 4 others) to get to Brussels best way we could since there would be a plane waiting to take us back to England. The Jump school was in Chelton Foliat England in 1944 and near Reams, France in 1945. I probably packed thousands of chutes but nobody was counting. Looks like Riggers get a bit more credit now than they did back then. Good luck to you all. See pic below - It included all the riggers in the 506th - I'm 3rd from the left on the 3rd row down. They didn't all make it home."
17 Mar 08 - If you haven't heard, the 2008 International Rigger/Dispatcher Reunion will be held in Siaigon, Vietnam 1-7 SEP 08. Click here for more information.
26 Mar 08 - It looks like the 824th QM is "doing their thing" in Iraq. For photos of CDS in the aircraft, in the air, and recovery operations - click here.
5 May 08 - CW4 Lantz re-enlisted SSG Baysden in a CH-47 while in flight over Iraq. How cool!
7 May 08 - SFC Trail announces the 2008 Rigger Rodeo. Dates are 22-26 Sep 08, additional info click here. The event will culminate with awards handed out at the 2008 Rigger Ball.
14 Jul 08 - The normal monthly meeting location has changed to "Two Brothers Pizza", just outside the Reilly Rd. gate. A map is available at the link on the top of the page.
16 Jul 08 - The 196th QM hosted the 2008 Red Hat Chapter Reunion on 20 Jun 08. Click here for details and photos (write-up done by CW2 Tony Hall). Even though the RHC voted to pay for the "eats", Chief Hall insisted that he take care of the tab (thanks Tony!). Our hats are off to Chief, "JJ" (Soon to be Mr. "JJ"), and all theRiggers of the 196th that made this possible.
21 Jul 08 - The 2008 Rigger Ball is scheduled for 26 Sep 08 at the Ft Bragg Officers Club. Ticket reservation forms are available here. The deadline for registration is ASAP!! As of 18 Sep 08, over 300 tickets have been sold and 25 soldiers have been sponsored by others, I think it is going to be maxed out!! Get your tickets now andconsider sponsoring a Soldier E-4 and below to help them offset the cost of attending.
24 Aug 08 - Soldiers of the 824th QM CO (AD) Det 6 set up a drop zone in Iraq for the delivery of Low Cost Aerial Delivery (LCADS) bundles. Click here for photos.
29 Aug 08 - CW2 Joe DeCosta organized Riggers from the 11th QM and Special Operations for a motorcycle ride at 1000hrs, 29 Aug 08, to help raise money to sponsor E-4 and below to the 2008 Rigger Ball. The ride started in Hope Mills, stopped at the Cracker Barrel in Smithfield for lunch, and then we cruised back home. Click here for PICS.
31 Aug 08 - During the July 2008 Red Hat Chapter (RHC) meeting, the motion was made (and carried) to raise funds (Approx. $3700) to place a Rigger Memorial along the entrance of the Airborne and Special Operations Museum, Fayetteville, NC. Click here for more information and/or to donate. To see a list of contributors, click here.
1 Sep 08 - A Swiss parachute collector has contacted the RHC for help in trying toidentify a very old parachute rigger kit. Click here to look and see if you can help him identify it.
3 Sep 08 - Sesame Street is coming to Ft Bragg Oct 1st and 2nd. DoD ID card holders get up to 6 free tickets per family. Stroller friendly and kids under 2yrs don't need a ticket. Click here for details.
20 Sep 08 - Jim Kennebeck was elected as the new Red Hat Chapter Vice President at our September monthly meeting. Congratulations to Jim.
24 Sep 08 - The 2008 Rigger Rodeo was hosted by the 11th QM Co. There were 9 different teams from across the United States and Europe. Special thanks to Keith Trail and the effort he put into organizing the event. Click here to see photos of the winners being presented with awards.
25 Sep 08 - The 2008 Rigger Social was hosted by the USAJFKSWC&S Rigger Facility. There were over 100 retired and active duty Riggers, friends, and family present for the fun. To view pictures, click here (pics removed).
26 Sep 08 - The 2008 Rigger Ball was hosted by the 11th QM with approximately 350 people in attendance. Special thanks to Crystal Gonzalez, Ken Kolbo, Michelle McDevitt, Charlie Cogswell, and guest speaker Al Lanier for their efforts in making this a great event. To view pictures, click here (pics removed).
1 Oct 08 - The 824th QM dedicated their Rigger Facility in Balad, Iraq to honorSPC Eric T. Burri. SPC Burri was killed on June 7th, 2005 when an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) exploded near his HUMVEE in Baghdad, Iraq. Click here for more info.
7 Oct 08 - Parachute Rigger tests equipment to be fielded to Soldiers. Click here to see the article highlighting SSG Paredes' efforts while assigned to the ABNSOTD, Ft. Bragg, NC.
7 Nov 08 - Fayetteville Cares is actively seeking volunteers that want to help with the Boots and Booties event on November 15, 2008. For more information on the "World's Largest Military Baby Shower" visit their website (link removed). To volunteer, contact Charlie Cogswell.
16 Oct 08 - The 5th QM gets busy packing over 8,000 parachutes for the 173rd Airborne in Germany. Click here to see the article. Thanks to CW3 Jose Martinezfor sending this in.
8 Nov 08 - The RHC marched/rode in Fayetteville's annual Veterans Day Parade. Once again, Jesmer allowed us to use his perfectly restored Jeeps for the occasion. Click here for photos.
11 Nov 08 - RHC Vice President Jim Kennebeck and member Karl Whitbyrepresented the RHC as they placed a wreath to honor our veterans during the a ceremony in Hope Mills hosted by VFW post 10630. Click here for photos.
15 Dec 08 - CPT Bamba, CDR of the 600th QM (AER&S), would like to invite you to the deactivation of his unit on Friday, 19 DEC 08. Click here for the invitation.
20 Dec 08 - The RHC raffled off an awesome print at the 20 Dec 08 breakfast and raised just over $1000 for the Rigger memorial (see below). CW5 Todd Biedermanpurchased the winning ticket - Congratulations!! Click here to take a look at the print.